Wai Lup

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The Worst Presentation Ever

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2day i had a presentation for the lesson , on the topic "Discourses and Institution"...

Our group had tried so hard but still we fail to present it clearly... sad... I'd never been like this b4..
Every time during my presentation, i will be really confident to persuade my audience..
But this chapter is really hard for me to understand it deeply...
This chapter is a theoretical chapter that explain on how a language in action -- discourses, with the learning from theorist MICHEL FOUCAULT.... i have studied the given reference for thousand times, still i cannot fully understand it but juz the surface meaning....

After the presentation, we had get a lot of feed back from the lecturer and students, which i think it may help us a lot.....
Hope that this kind of situation won't happen again....
I won't do a same mistake twice!! ><
And i m not suppose to fail on my advantages...


  1. 小强 said...

    consider this is one of ur few minor minor flaws lo...

    i also fail to present my topic on monday~

  2. 炸醬麵 Lup said...

    thks man, juz really mad for the damn difficult topic and reference book for us....unlucky lo... ^^